

At their heart, MV & EE have always been a live act. Don't get me wrong, they've certainly put together excellent lineups for proper albums, and the studio's never really prevented them from getting their honey-soaked blues through to eager ears. But the real MV & EE experience isn't tethered to time or pre-conceived notions of song. They thrive within the walls of lengthy, blissed-out drone poems and Home Comfort is one of the first "official" releases to showcase their live experience from the taper's pit. Woodsist culls together several live tapings from shows in and around Brooklyn and NY and weaves them together into a mix of hushed blues and extended slide ceremonies. The latter inclusion is made up of three pieces labeled "Environments" on the album and though not all recorded at the same time as the surrounding tracks, the album flows together like one long show. The band have a veritable wealth of live tapes that, were any intrepid traveler so inclined, could be poured over with a comb befitting an ardent dead head. However, for the rest of us Home Comfort provides a perfect encapsulation of MV & EE's live spectre.

[MP3] MV & EE - Home Comfort

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posted by dissensous at 9:50:00 AM


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